
 Our Vision:

Students at New Town Elementary participate in rigorous and responsive instruction that prepares them to meet the challenges and high expectations of college and career readiness. Our innovative teachers ensure learning through collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and creativity.

Our Mission:
It is the mission of New Town Elementary School and its community to promote student achievement, celebrate diversity and create a nurturing and enthusiastic learning environment where lifelong learners will grow as productive members of society.

tech support         ticket info


Transportation Update - Athlos Academy of St. Cloud

Transportation Updates:

Carpool: If your child will be a car rider and you have not picked up your carpool number for the 2023-2024 school year, you will be able to receive it during Back-to-School Night.  **Please note that all 1st grade car riders will receive a new carpool number as the “500” numbers are only used for the Kindergarten school year. **


  • Lakeside walkers are escorted by staff to the school property corner.  Students walk to the crossing guard on the corner of New Town Blvd. and Lakeside Blvd. or Lakeside Blvd. and Dolfield Ave.
  • Avatar walkers will be escorted to the school property corner.  Students remain on the same side of the street.
  • Watts walkers will be escorted to the crosswalk on New Town Blvd. between New Town Elementary and New Town High.  Staff remain on New Town Elementary property.  All walking students must walk directly home or be picked up immediately at 4:20 when they cross the street.

Bus Riders: If your child is a bus rider, please check Focus for your child’s bus information. Attachment: Focus Parent Accounts 

Food and Nutrition:

Please take the time to check your child’s meal account balance in the My School Bucks portal.  Specific directions are attached to this email. 
Attachment: My School Bucks

Please contact the front office if you have any questions or need any clarification at 443-809-1541.

 Upcoming Events!



Virtual Instruction Info

BCPS Virtual Instruction Plan

Using Google Meets

Google Meet Teacher Codes (available soon)


student registration

 report cards

Please take a moment to setup or update your parent account in FOCUS!

Creating a Parent Account

Viewing Report Card



New Town

School Progress
